
Jedidiah E. GabrielIam Jedidiah Gabriel.

About Me Now
Hey frens! I am Jedidiah Gabriel, diligently crafting projects from the shadows and freelancing by day to make ends meet. Let me take the reins on your Web3 development, mobile app development (covering both iOS & Android with React Native), or elevate your businesses with sleek, lightning-fast websites tailored with Next.js and top-notch UI/UX designs. And the best part? Every referral you send my way earns a generous 10% of the project budget. Ready to chat? Book a meeting through my calendar or shoot me a DM on Twitter .
June 01, 2024 - Present
Proposal Thumbnail

Big Inc

Big Inc and Jedshock are partnering to develop a groundbreaking Web3 label solution for indie artists. This innovative platform will empower emerging talent to achieve success through the use of smart contracts and NFT technology, paving the way for a new era of independence and creativity in the music industry.

Join Our Discord & His Mixtape
Mar 01, 2024 - Present
Proposal Thumbnail


I made this to aid my freelancing journey instead of using Fiverr to create gigs, I created my version which are proposals. I have written some proposals check it out 🙏🏽, and now I am inspired to build something great with Big Inc

Feb 26, 2023 - May 30, 2023
Video Thumbnail


This project will be accessible to the members of Hack On The Kitchen Sink as a workshop material, and it is one of the seed projects for the organization. It was designed by my friend (who's a part of my organization) Chizoba, and implemented by me. It still can be improved that's why it is the seed project. In reality, integrating with a fiat payment gateway is more rational, but the whole idea of CBTWeb3 is to entertain disruptors, rebels, and dreamers. The tech stack that was used to develop CBTWeb3 (MVP): Nextjs (React Typescript), Expressjs (Typescript), MySQL (MariaDB), Prisma ORM, Strapi (CMS), and Ethers.js with Metamask.

Screen record (Pt. 2 in the comments) 🚀
Nov 14 - Jan 14, 2023

AstroTech Labs (Contract)

Working at AstroTechLabs was quite daunting at first, as I had to use some technology stack I had never encountered before. However, it turns out that as long as you are open to "putting it as an issue on the board and making progress on learning it," you're good to go. As I worked, I learned a lot while contributing to the development of cool features for the Staking Dashboard. Shoutout to Degen Hive! 🐝

Letter Of Experience
Sept 1, 2021 - Feb 20, 2024

Kite Financial (Fulltime)

While at Kite Financial, it was an honor to be part of the team and to be mentored by Mario Egie, whom I consider a polymath. I learned a lot from him, and together, we built many cool things for Kite Financial Wallet.

Mario's Recommendation
Nov 3, 2022

For Joan

This is a form of digital poetry with mixed-media experimenting stuff for my love. It is a Progressive Web App, and not very idiomatic React 🙈

GitHub Repo 👨🏽‍💻
Sep 2, 2022

Fan page DJ Lambo

This is a fan page I made for DJ Lambo, and I got her attention.What she said on Instagram.

GitHub Repo 👨🏽‍💻
June 2, 2020

JedWally (old project)

I was playing around with React & React Native then, so I managed to build my first Android app which isn't on Playstore, but it's downloadable & installable for testing. Don't judge me, my React skills were pretty rusty back then 😬

GitHub Repo 👨🏽‍💻